Monday 18 April 2011

Connie Viney Cake Shop- Corporate Identity

Logo. Website. Image. Merchendise. Money making. profit. Books. Art Context. Publicity- newspaper cuttings. getting in touch with press. Other Cake shops.

Artists and Business


Keith Haring

Martha Rosler

Gareth Moore and Jacob Gleeson

Mario Ybarra Jr.

Connie Viney Cake Shop- a work in progress

My degree show space- Edinburgh College of Art's Natural History Cupboard. Quite fitting really.

A Day Out In Belfast

An afternoon in Belfast- visual delights in the city's highstreet stores- it's easy to be drawn in.

The Disney Store




Trinket Shops

Inspiration for my cake shop. How do they make you feel. Who are they run by? families. Do they invite you to have a rummage through? Sense of intimacy. An aesthetic.

Enniskillen thrift shop- This place was chaotic. The woman who worked there was really friendly and very flattered that I took such an interest in her shop. We talked a lot about Enniskillen and the take over by chain stores. She also told me the key to successful thrift shop- put stuff outside.

Edinburgh Antique Shop
This place was like Aladdin's Cave. Jewellery hanging everywhere. A treat for the eyes.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Degree Show 'Cake Shop'

Piece de Resistance.

I was thinking more and more about the commercial side of the cakes.  Business. how far I'd come.  What defined my cakes- what made them stand out- the aesthetic. Folk art, craft, homely.  Cake business- serious- how would I want my cake shop to look?  A parallel world?

Cake Shops- visual treat.

I was also aware of the growing trend of cake culture. What did it signify?  Escapism. DIY.  Response to recession. Freedom. Turning away. Quick fix. Or DIY/homemade.  This cake shop was a comment on this new development.  

Visual inspiration:

Jason Rhoades:

Niki de Saint Phalle.

Yayoi Kusama.

Georges Bures Miller

Outsider Art.

Disney/Fairytales/folklore- Alice in Wonderland, Little Shop of Horror.

But also interactive- it was a shop after all.  I wanted to explore alternative methods of exchange/batering.  For every cake I made in shop- would be for sale.  But not for money. 

Jason Rhodes, Nicoline var Harskamp, Harrell Fletcher, Mario Ybarra Jr. (New China Barber Shop), St George Marsh, Pawell Altamer, Gareth Moore and Jacab Gleeson, Rosler.

Pop Life. Keith Haring. Murakami.

Finally- I can't forget to include one of my favourite places- Sorastros on Drury Lane, London.